The parking lot just outside the gate serves Old Town and the Albuquerque Museum, which is adjacent. Below you'll see just a small portion of the outside public art on the grounds of the Museum.

This grouping, below, is of modern-day Albuquerquians, enjoying a pleasant day in the sunshine.

I've included a couple close-ups. When I first walked past this exhibit, I did a double-take, because the man with the newspaper reminded me of my dad. Those of you who knew him might also see a similarity (see second close-up, below).

This next series, also on the grounds of the Museum, is called "La Jornada" (The Journey). It commemorates the arrival, in 1598, of Governor Juan de Onate, who left Santa Barbara, in presdent day Chihuahua, leading an expedition bound for New Mexico. Nearly 600 settlers accompanied him, along with Mexican Indian allies and Franciscan friars. Onate founded the first European settlement in New Mexico (Juan de Onate being born in America, of Spanish parents). From what I have read, there was heated controversy over the erection of this monument, since Onate is said to have carried out a bloody retribution against the Acoma Pueblo Indians for the killing of Juan Zaldivar, Onate's nephew, and several of his men in a skirmish at Acoma (near Albuquerque).
You will notice, in the background of two of these pictures, that you can see a rocket. The rocket stands in the corner of the parking lot of the National Atomic Museum. According to a sign posted beside it, it is a Redstone rocket (the type of rocket, with a Mercury capsule, that carried Commander Alan B. Shepherd into suborbital flight from Cape Canaveral, in 1961).

1 comment:
Linda: Some of the art I have seen around your city, but it is amazing how much there is, and it is all beautiful. I appreciate your pictures. You are right, the one man reading the paper does resemble your Dad. He'd be pleased that you see him there.
Love Mom
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