Monday, June 13, 2016

Robert's Monday

We started the day out with a shopping trip to the grocery store, where Robert got to select a few of his favorite foods, all quite nutritious except for one sweet treat for being such a good shopper. For his treat he chose a donut. I told him he should save the donut until after lunch.

He had an hour or so to play with his cars before it was lunch time. From the time he was really small, about all Robert wanted to play with were cars. And that passion has continued and even grown. This morning he was staging drag races. He asked for pen and paper in order to keep score, based on his rather complex formula.

For lunch he ate a Lunchables, which came with a small treat, so he put off eating the donut until after dinner.

It was off to the library this afternoon. This boy loves to read! He brought along his summer reading challenge pages, and we are trying to check off as many activities as possible this week, making a trip to the library an absolute necessity. We brought home 15 books, and I wouldn't be surprised if we have to go back for more in two or three days. Today he checked off "Read a book to someone older than you" (that would be Grandma), "Follow a recipe with an adult's help (more about that coming up), "Turn off the TV and read instead," and "Read a non-fiction book" (he read about the survivors of the Titanic).

Dan grilled dinner outside this evening, and Robert was especially excited about the corn on the cob. After I cleaned up the dinner dishes, he joined me in the kitchen to bake lemon muffins. He read all of the ingredients to me, so we could measure them out ahead of time, and then read the directions for combining them. They came out looking great. He went to take a bath while they cooled a bit, with the promise that he could have one muffin once he was in his PJs. 

So, after his bath, the three of us each enjoyed a warm muffin. Yum, they really were tasty!

About three minutes after he climbed in bed, he crept back out with a worried look on his face . . . "Grandma. We forgot my donut!" Sure enough. In all the hustle-bustle, we had forgotten it. Despite my tendency to indulge this little fellow's wishes, I had to explain that a donut on top of a muffin was just too much for one little tummy. Maybe tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Oh yes, you have to be very careful about how you word things with Robert. Rest assured he will not forget about anything that can be considered a snack, treat, reward, surprise, promised activity, etc.