Saturday, May 3, 2014

Dinner Guests

As I have mentioned before, I do volunteer tutoring with the Temple Literacy Council. My student is Japanese. He is in America doing medical research with Texas A&M. He is working very hard to improve his conversational English skills, and that's our goal in the tutoring sessions. 

Last night he and his wife and baby girl came to dinner. Dan grilled chicken on the barbecue grill, and I made a couple side dishes. They asked if they could bring some Japanese food, and, of course, we were happy to have them do that. They brought homemade korokke (Japanese croquettes). Half of them had a crab filling, and the other half had a potato filling. They were really delicious. They also brought a very light dessert called (I think) annin doufu. It's an almond jelly/pudding that made a perfect end to the meal.

Sweeter than that scrumptious dessert, however, was their adorable baby girl, who is now 8-1/2 months old. She was happy and social all evening, and kept us entertained with her antics. She and I hit it off and spent much of the evening playing together, while the grown-ups talked.

1 comment:

Lois said...

Lovely portraits of a lovely family.