The January 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Astheroshe of the blog accro. She chose to challenge everyone to make a Biscuit Joconde Imprime to wrap around an Entremets dessert. (Recipe HERE.)
A joconde imprime is a decorative design baked into a light sponge cake providing an elegant finish to desserts/torts/entremets/ formed in ring molds. The batter bakes into a moist, flexible cake which may be tinted or marbleized for a decorative effect. Once baked and cooled, the sponge is cut into strips to line a ring mold, thus becoming a "wrapper" for the layered dessert, inside, known as the entremets.
Since Tim's birthday is in January, I decided to take on the challenge of turning my Biscuit Joconde Imprime into his birthday cake. In the interest of time (which was short) I simply filled the Jaconde with strawberry ice cream and whipped cream. It would be fun to do it again and fill it with chocolate mousse or a pastry cream of some kind.
Here is a picture of the cake after coming out of the oven. As you can see, I chose to flavor and tint the Décor Paste with cocoa powder. The cake itself is made using almond flour, and turned out very tasty.
I trimmed the cake into strips, and lined a spring-form pan with the cake, making sure the design was on the outside . . .
. . . and then filled the ring with softened strawberry ice cream.
I topped the ice cream with whipped cream and then froze the entire dessert until just before serving. I was a little fearful that it would not unmold well, but there was no problem at all. The dessert came out of the pan nicely . . .
. . . and sliced up beautifully.
You can see a picture of Tim blowing out his birthday candles on this dessert in the PREVIOUS POST.
A Port Townsend Day Out
5 years ago
Wow what a beautiful birthday cake!
That looks lovely, I can't wait to try this again with ice cream
Fantastic job!
So beautiful and it looks so yummy. I look quite time consuming.
Tim is one lucky guy to get to eat that for his celebration.
Looks great. I will have to try it as an ice cream cake sometime.
Mike said it was delicious! He was impressed.
Hey there, Kathy! Thanks for sharing that. We were happy to have Mike here to share in the birthday festivities.
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