Friday, September 23, 2022

Implantable Loop Recorder

One of the follow-up appointments, after my stroke, came on Monday, September 12. It was for the implantation of an Implantable Loop Recorder (ILR). It was a simple procedure, where the doctor numbed a portion of my left chest area, made a small incision and inserted an device (the ILR). The photo below is of a to-scale model of the device, that the company representative, who was there to program the device, gave to me. It is about 1/8" thick.

The purpose of my hospital stay was to undergo various tests to try to determine the cause of the stroke, but no cause was identified during those three days. One common cause of a stroke is a blood clot. The purpose of this ILR is to continuously record my heart rhythm and electronically send to the doctor any arrhythmia it records, since certain types of arrhythmia can cause blood clots. The battery in this device is good for close to 5 years, according to the company that produces them, and I will probably be host to it for that long. 

The only down-side to the ILR is that it communicates, by Bluetooth, through an app on my iPhone, which I must have turned on and near me at all times, 24 hours a day. When I see the doctor, next week, who will be running a check on the device, I will ask him how strict I need to be about that.

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