Saturday, May 2, 2020

Coronavirus (Covid 19) Update May 2: Retail Businesses Begin to Open

Governor Greg Abbott's most recent executive order allowed retailers to expand their operations, beginning yesterday. The retailers must limit the number of customers inside the store and maintain "social distancing." Wearing face masks is encouraged, but not required by law. Some businesses, however, are requiring their patrons to wear them.

Today's newspaper reports that customers did, indeed, come out and begin shopping and eating in restaurants once again. One Belton shop owner told how a patron handed her a handful of cash. "She just gave it to me. She said, 'Donald (Trump) gave me this money and I'm going to give some of it to you.' She was just giving me some of her stimulus check." And then the customer purchased some items, as well.

I love reading about the good that comes out in people during hard times. It always puts a smile on my face.

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