Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Tiny Treasure

Dan and I have moved - from house to house, from city to city, and from state to state so many times! And each time I tend to discard things that aren't worth the effort or expense of moving. Because of that, there aren't many things in my kitchen cabinets and drawers from our early married days.

However, there is one little item that has moved with us ... (I had to stop here and do the math) ... six or seven times. I first got it in the 1970s, in Juneau. Here are a couple pictures of it, so you can see both top and bottom.

Some might recognize this as a Tupperware lid. And that is exactly what it is. It was the top to one of a set of two containers, sold by Tupperware back in the '70s as "vinegar and oil cruets." Here's a picture I found on the internet, showing what they looked like. (I see they are calling them "vintage" now.)

In all those moves, I've kept neither container, and only one lid. And in each move, I am careful to pack it where I will be sure to find it on the other end. 

You may wonder why this little Tupperware lid is so important to me. Here are a couple pictures that reveal its use.

Clara, in 2014, pressing out "Modern Millie" cookies, using colored sugar crystals.

Some "Melting Moment" cookies I baked yesterday to give as a thank-you gift to a new friend.

I wouldn't know how to press my cookies if I didn't have this little treasured tool.  Maybe I should have it buried with me when I leave this earth, because I hope to still be baking cookies when I get to Heaven!

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