Sunday, October 17, 2010

New "Wheels"

Yesterday we said good-bye to our Ford Escape. Here it is, sitting on the car dealer's lot, in my mind's eye looking rather sad and hoping for a good new home.

We drove home in our new VW Tiguan, which is VW's small SUV. It's really a crazy name - sort of a combination of "tiger" and "iguana," but despite that, we like the vehicle. It's our first adventure in leasing, instead of owning, a car.

Though, in the pictures, the colors of the two cars look similar, they really are different. Our Escape was an orange color, actually called "blazing copper." The new one is red, with the official name of "cherry."

Here's hoping for many rewarding photoshoots-to-come with this car!


Anonymous said...

Very nice looking car! The Escape is the one you had the tire tread incident with, isn't it? I imagine the VW will give you some great gasoline mileage! Happy trails! ........Genie

Papa John said...

Hey, Did I miss an installment? Did you have to replace your car over an unobtainable gas line? That seems a bit extreme, doen't it? There seems to be a gap in the stream of information. Last I heard the "insurance" was going to cover the damage. I happy for your new ride, but why the swap of wheels?

Linda Judd said...

Papa John, I just sent you an email :-) It will fill you in on the car decision.