Friday, February 26, 2010

The Gardens in Late Winter

The sun was out this afternoon, and the temperature was perfect for enjoying the Albuquerque Botanical Gardens.

This time of year - well, maybe all year round - my favorite part of the Gardens is the Japanese Garden. It is so peaceful.

Here is a close-up of a yucca plant, and a version of the same picture that I turned into an abstract piece, using Photoshop. The yucca is New Mexico's state flower. This variety has curly "threads" along the spiky leaves. We have a large one of these in our yard, at the side of the house.

For the most part, winter still has a grip on the gardens, as seen in leafless trees and a few remaining berries from last summer.

But there were definite signs of a new beginning. Spring is on its way!

And speaking of "new beginnings" . . . this soon-to-be-married bride and groom were at the gardens with their photographer, to take wedding pictures. The bride was beautiful, in her fur-trimmed white cape. For their trek through the park, though, she was wearing black athletic shoes, while the groom carried her sparkly blue heels, to be worn for the photo shoot.


Papa John said...

Beautiful photography as always, Linda. When we get to Albuquerque, I want some one-on-one time focused on how to take such nicely composed pictures.

(That was but a butter-job for the following request. That was a sincere hope.)

So how would I get permission from you to use some of your photographs as subjects for my oil painting studies?

Papa John said...

OOOPS! In the middle comment, PLEASE change the word "but" to "not". Yikes! What a slip-up.

Linda Judd said...

Hi Papa John. I'll send you an email :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful beautiful photos, Linda!! I'll bet the bride and groom would want some of YOUR photos!!

Love those yucca plant pics too!!!