Sunday, June 14, 2020

Pipsqueak - Our Baby Mockingbird Guest

For three days, now, a baby mockingbird (I call him Pipsqueak) has made our patio and backyard its home. Some of our neighbor's trees hang over our fence, and I believe this little fellow fell out of his nest from one of those trees. He's almost ready to fledge. He can fly a little bit, but can only get about two feet off the ground, so can't make it over our fence.

What has amazed me is how the mama bird is still taking care of him. Constantly, during the day, she visits him and pokes meals into his gaping mouth. She sometimes just sits on top of our fence and watches him.

I'm hoping he'll be able to fly over the fence and start his life as a free mockingbird soon. Until then, I'm enjoying listening to him call for his mama and watching her bring him food.

Mama keeping a watchful eye on her youngster.
This spot on our patio has become Pipsqueak's home base. It is near our BBQ grill, and sometimes he hides in the shade beneath the grill. (Yes, we'll need to do a power-wash clean-up after he leaves.)

Sometimes he ventures out into the lawn, and sits near the fence crying for mama.

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