Photography Club
I had been eagerly waiting for my first photography club meeting, here in Temple, which finally arrived on Friday afternoon. You know how sometimes it really feels like you are a good "fit" for a group? Well, this club seemed to pinch my toes, allegorically speaking; it didn't feel like such a good fit. I'm going to give it a second try, next month, but I don't have great expectations for a long term relationship. I may have to look in another direction . . . perhaps an online photo challenge group.
Out-of-Order Kitchen
As with all new houses, we had a punch list of things we wanted our builder to fix. The biggest item on the list was tile repairs in the kitchen and the bathrooms. The tilers are here this week, and will have my kitchen torn up for, probably, four days. I guess we'll be eating a few meals out this week!
Back In the Saddle Again!
It didn't take long to be tapped on the shoulder to teach Bible classes again. Beginning in June, I'll be teaching the two-years-old through pre-K Sunday morning Bible class. I'm looking forward to getting to know a whole new bunch of little ones.
The Leon River
Tonight, after dinner, Dan and I went for a drive down to a beautiful, secluded park on the Leon River, which lies in the shadow of the Belton Lake dam. Here are a few pictures I took.